The Risks and Options Assessment for Decision-Making (ROAD) process enables decision-makers to comprehend and address complex risks. Version 1.0 of the Guide to the ROAD process is available here:

The Risks and Options Assessment for Decision-Making (ROAD) process enables decision-makers to comprehend and address complex risks. Version 1.0 of the Guide to the ROAD process is available here:
In June 2018, the ROAD process was used to support the work of the Niger Basin Authority (NBA) and GIZ to integrate the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus into the operational plan of the NBA.
In February 2018, the results of the field pilot of the Risks and Options Assessment for Decision-Making (ROAD) process were published in the journal Earth’s Future.
In November 2017, members of the FE2W Network facilitated a foresight workshop “Resilient Food-Energy-Environment-Water Nexus in Canterbury”.